How Do I Cure Gum Disease?

Aug 14, 2021
Dentures FAQ

Gum disease is a common dental condition that affects many individuals worldwide. If left untreated, it can lead to serious oral health issues, including tooth loss and systemic health problems. At Lawrence Dentistry, your trusted provider of dental services in the health category of dentistry, we understand the importance of gum disease prevention and effective treatment.

Understanding Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is caused by the buildup of plaque on teeth and along the gumline. Plaque is a sticky film primarily composed of bacteria that forms when food particles mix with saliva. If not adequately removed through regular brushing and flossing, plaque hardens into tartar, which requires professional dental cleaning to remove.

Early signs of gum disease include red, swollen gums that bleed easily during brushing or flossing. As the condition progresses, individuals may experience persistent bad breath, receding gums, gum sensitivity, and even loose teeth.

Gum Disease Treatment Options

At Lawrence Dentistry, we offer a comprehensive range of gum disease treatments tailored to meet your unique needs. Our experienced dental professionals will evaluate the severity of your condition and recommend the most suitable approach.

Non-Surgical Treatments

  • Professional Dental Cleaning: Regular dental cleanings are essential to remove plaque and tartar buildup, preventing further progression of gum disease.
  • Scaling and Root Planing: This deep-cleaning procedure involves removing plaque and tartar from below the gumline and smoothing the tooth roots to promote gum reattachment.
  • Antibiotics: In some cases, our dental team may prescribe antibiotics to help control bacterial infection and manage gum disease.

Surgical Treatments

If non-surgical treatments do not effectively treat your gum disease, our skilled professionals may recommend surgical procedures to restore and improve your oral health. Some common surgical treatments for gum disease include:

  1. Flap Surgery: This procedure involves lifting the gums to provide access for deep cleaning and repositioning the gum tissue to reduce pocket depth.
  2. Bone Grafting: For cases where gum disease has caused bone loss, bone grafts can help regenerate lost bone tissue.
  3. Gum Grafting: Gum grafts are performed to cover exposed tooth roots resulting from gum recession caused by gum disease.

Preventing Gum Disease

Preventing gum disease is vital to maintaining optimal oral health. Here are some tips to help you prevent gum disease:

  • Maintain Proper Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth twice daily, floss regularly, and use an antibacterial mouthwash to reduce plaque buildup and bacteria in your mouth.
  • Visit Your Dentist Regularly: Schedule routine dental check-ups and cleanings to detect and address any potential gum disease early on.
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of gum disease and impairs the body's ability to heal from oral infections.
  • Eat a Balanced Diet: Proper nutrition helps support overall oral health.

Contact Lawrence Dentistry for Advanced Gum Disease Treatment

If you are experiencing symptoms of gum disease or seek professional guidance regarding prevention, contact Lawrence Dentistry today. Our team of dedicated dental professionals is committed to providing high-quality dental services to help you achieve and maintain optimal oral health.

Remember, early detection and treatment are crucial for successfully combating gum disease. Let Lawrence Dentistry be your partner in achieving a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime.

Jerry Seawright
Great article! Thanks for sharing this helpful information about curing gum disease. 👍🦷
Oct 14, 2023