Cracked Tooth - BOCO Dental & Prosthodontics

Feb 28, 2021
Broken Tooth

Welcome to Lawrence Dentistry, your trusted partner for all your dental needs. As experts in the field of dentistry, we are focused on providing top-quality services to ensure the well-being of your oral health. Under our specialized category of "Health - Dentist and Dental Services," we offer a wide range of treatments and solutions tailored to meet your specific dental concerns. One common issue we address is a cracked tooth, which can cause discomfort and compromise your dental health. At BOCO Dental & Prosthodontics, our experienced team is here to guide you through the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options available for a cracked tooth.

Understanding a Cracked Tooth

A cracked tooth refers to a condition where a tooth has a fracture or a crack, either visible or hidden within the tooth structure. It can happen due to various reasons, including trauma, biting on hard objects, tooth decay, grinding, or even natural wear and tear. While a cracked tooth might not always cause immediate pain, it is essential to seek professional dental care to prevent any further damage or complications.

Common Symptoms of a Cracked Tooth

If you suspect you have a cracked tooth, it is crucial to be aware of the common symptoms that might accompany this condition. These symptoms can vary depending on the severity and location of the crack, but some of the most frequently reported signs include:

  • Sharp pain or discomfort while chewing
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures
  • Pain when releasing biting pressure
  • Intermittent pain that comes and goes
  • Sudden and unexplained swelling
  • Gum tenderness near the affected tooth
  • Visible cracks or fractures in the tooth

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is essential to schedule an appointment with our dental experts at Lawrence Dentistry for a thorough examination. Early detection and timely treatment can significantly improve the outcome and prevent further complications.

Diagnosing a Cracked Tooth

Diagnosing a cracked tooth typically requires a comprehensive dental examination, which may involve various techniques and tools. Our skilled dentists at BOCO Dental & Prosthodontics will carefully assess your symptoms, conduct a visual inspection, and may perform additional tests such as:

  1. X-rays: These can help identify cracks or fractures that are not visible to the naked eye.
  2. Transillumination: By shining a light through the tooth, our dentists can detect cracks or fractures that may not be easily visible during a regular examination.
  3. Gum or Biting Tests: We may use special instruments to assess the tooth's response to specific pressures or temperature changes.

Through these diagnostic procedures, we can accurately determine the extent and severity of the crack in order to develop the most appropriate treatment plan for your individual case.

Treatment Options for a Cracked Tooth

The treatment options for a cracked tooth can vary depending on the severity, location, and extent of the crack. At Lawrence Dentistry, we take a personalized approach to ensure the best possible outcome for each patient. Some common treatment options for a cracked tooth include:

Dental Bonding:

If the crack is minor and doesn't extend deep into the tooth, dental bonding can be an effective solution. This procedure involves applying a tooth-colored composite resin to the affected area, which is then shaped and polished to match the natural appearance of your tooth. Dental bonding helps restore the tooth's structure and provides additional strength.

Dental Crown:

For more extensive cracks or fractures, a dental crown may be recommended. A dental crown is a custom-made, tooth-shaped cap that is placed over the cracked tooth to protect it and restore its functionality and appearance. Crowns can be made from various materials, including porcelain, ceramic, or metal, to suit your individual needs and preferences.

Root Canal Therapy:

If the crack extends into the inner layers of the tooth, reaching the pulp, root canal therapy might be necessary. This procedure involves removing the infected or damaged pulp, cleaning and sealing the tooth's interior, and placing a crown or filling to protect the tooth from further damage. Root canal therapy can help save the tooth and alleviate any associated pain or discomfort.

Tooth Extraction:

In cases where the crack is severe and extends below the gum line, tooth extraction might be the only viable option. Our experienced dentists will ensure that the extraction process is as comfortable and painless as possible. After extraction, we can discuss suitable tooth replacement options, such as dental implants or bridges, to restore your smile's aesthetics and functionality.

Preventing Cracked Teeth

While accidents and unexpected trauma can sometimes lead to cracked teeth, there are several preventive measures you can take to minimize the risk:

  • Wear a mouthguard during sports activities or physical contact sports to protect your teeth from potential injuries.
  • Avoid biting on hard objects such as ice, popcorn kernels, or pens that can cause excessive pressure on your teeth.
  • Practice good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and check-ups.
  • Consider orthodontic treatments if you have misaligned teeth or a malocclusion that may increase the risk of tooth fractures.
  • Address any habits such as grinding or clenching your teeth, as they can put excessive pressure on the teeth and contribute to their vulnerability.

By following these preventive measures and maintaining a healthy oral hygiene routine, you can significantly reduce the chances of developing a cracked tooth and ensure the long-term health and strength of your teeth.

Contact Our Expert Dentists Today

If you suspect you have a cracked tooth or are experiencing any dental concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to our team of experts at BOCO Dental & Prosthodontics. Our dedicated dentists at Lawrence Dentistry are committed to providing exceptional care and tailored solutions to meet your individual needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a healthy, beautiful smile!

Frank Bettgenhaeuser
Great article! 🦷 Prioritizing oral health is essential, and BOCO Dental & Prosthodontics seems like a trustworthy option. 💯 Taking care of our teeth is crucial for overall well-being. Thanks for sharing this valuable information! 👍
Nov 11, 2023
Eric Greaser
It's important to prioritize our oral health! 🦷 Take care of your teeth with BOCO Dental & Prosthodontics.
Oct 6, 2023